A First-Time Visitor’s Guide to Melbourne Brothel!
The porn star experience, or PSE, is a service offered by sex workers in brothels or by escorts, which implies they’ll perform the kinds of sex acts seen in porn movies. The porn-star experience usually means more sexually extreme acts are on the menu – I don’t know about you, but some of those heading towards the extreme end would have me eating in different restaurants. I’m admittedly a little old-fashioned, but I prefer my paid-for sex with a touch of feigned intimacy as a minimum. For me, the pornstar experience has absolutely nothing to do with romance, companionship or your feelings, faked or otherwise. So, you might reasonably ask, who needs or wants their sex served up this PSE way?
Seems like quite a few people do – to try once anyway. The idea is that the client gets to realise the sexual fantasies that they enjoy watching in online porn, but don’t get to experience in daily life. Truth is, porn stars doing porn on movie sets is about as true to real life as Tom Cruise flying an F-18 upside down over a Russian fighter jet in Top Gun. As they always say in these situations: “Don’t try this at home…”
Actually, the term ‘porn star experience’ doesn’t really mean very much. But generally, the kind of porn referred to is more hardcore. Porn star experiences vary significantly depending on the client and the sex worker, but popular acts include adventurous (or for me, arthritis-producing) positions, loud moaning, dirty talk, anal play, deep throating and gagging, facials or cumming on the body, light spanking, and sex with toys or costumes, as well as other imaginative fetishes with greater or, more likely, lesser degrees of participation from her. Many people believe that PSE means having sex without a condom. This is never the case in any reputable or regulated brothel environment and should definitely not be offered by any out-call Escort who has any concern for the risks to your long-term health.
Those who think that all sex workers do all these things are setting themselves up for disappointment. They don’t. And even those who do will often need a degree of trust to build up between you, which may take a visit or two before the lines between robotic and natural behaviour start to blur. For example, imagine you’ve just started dating that pretty girl in the office. Good luck trying to get her to agree wholeheartedly to your impassioned pleas for anal sex, golden showers or any other slightly “out there” sexual contortions on a first date, even if you’ve spent a fortune on dinner and wine at The Flower Drum or Chin Chin.
Is PSE the same as GFE?
The simplest way to explain the difference between the porn star experience (PSE) and the girlfriend experience (GFE) is that they are direct opposites in terms of what they offer, except for the fact you’re paying for a “no-strings” encounter with both.
The porn star experience is mostly about making hardcore, pornographic fantasies real for you. The girlfriend experience, on the other hand, is about having an intimate, romantic encounter that isn’t rushed, and in some cases isn’t even sexual. GFE sounds great to me, except for maybe the last part, and can be traced back to the times sex workers found a way they could attract clients based on a promise. This promise was that your girlfriend for the hour would treat you with affection, give you a massage, kiss and cuddle, make love with you or just hang out with you – this happens more than you might think – which appealed to an enormous amount of men.
Interestingly, girlfriend experiences used to be much more popular around ten years ago. But now, with the explosive rise of Internet porn many men and women want to experience what they see online for themselves. And where there’s a market, there are always services emerging to fill it.
Like everything else, PSE comes at a price. And it’s usually far higher than you might pay for the more popular, great sex experiences you can find in the top brothels in Melbourne for a quarter of the price. In the Escort industry, you might find yourself finally hit up for $800+ for an hour’s “genuine” porn star experience with the extras. This seems like a high price to pay to have sex with someone you’ve never met, and who you’re paying to leave afterwards. But maybe that’s just my value-for-money DNA kicking in…
Visit The Cherry Tree Garden for your sensual experience, in Williamstown.