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Do the Western Suburbs Brothels Melbourne match up?
The western suburbs are the fastest-growing residential part of Melbourne and this is likely to continue at a faster pace as it forms a key part of the city’s growth strategy. This means the call on infrastructure and services for the rapidly increasing population is a challenge, whether that means railway stations, bus routes or, to meet the more exotic needs of residents and visitors, the western suburbs brothels and adult entertainment venues. These also need to be first class destinations or risk becoming irrelevant in the Internet age of dating, hook-up apps and the raunchier (and desperate-sounding) ads pervading social media.
Many of the western suburbs brothels are, it is sad to say, showing their age. Many have been around for more than twenty years but unlike fine wines, have not aged terribly well. And as any visitor can tell you, the before, during and after service levels run the gamut from okay to distinctly less than ordinary. Others, thankfully, have read the writing on the wall and are trying successfully to adapt often making it a pleasure to call in – which is really the point of a western suburbs brothel, or one located in any city in any part of the world.
The western suburbs have a lot going for them. As well as growing like topsy, the inner ones, like Williamstown for example, are almost completely gentrified and form the gateway into and from Melbourne: convenient stops after escaping the Westgate nightmare or before enduring it. As well as home to the long-stressed commuters and the locals, this is also the gateway to the Great Ocean Road, the Spa Country, the Goldfields and many others that fill the tourist buses from the CBD. One notable Williamstown brothel for example has set itself apart by creating a destination-style bordello offering much more for its guests than just ‘sex for money’ – including a much-loved garden, beautiful lighting and antique furnishings and has been rewarded by being included as an option for visitors to the historic Williamstown precinct.
Western suburbs brothels and their sexually-alluring kinfolk in the north and east all suffer from the draconian laws about protecting the good citizens from knowing that naughty intimacies take place in the community. Therefore, if the establishments are not in the CBD, they are required to be buried away in the industrial wastelands far from the genteel eyes of the prurient-averse. But with every drawback comes an opportunity.
People love sex. People have always loved sex. And even the most straitlaced puritan would admit that it’s a nice accompaniment to the purpose of sex god seemed to intend. The western suburbs are no different to anywhere else and the people living or passing through on their way to somewhere else need to find places to enjoy that transport them, even if only temporarily, to a seductive experience. I think many need to lift their game to what others are achieving in making western suburbs brothels a desirable destination.